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Written in partnership with Mindful Media PR

After witnessing a lack of effective wellness products, Matt Walsh founded Splish Naturals, an all-natural wellness and workout recovery company that incorporates a host of ingredients to alleviate aches, pains, and inflammation. They are a go-to wellness brand for spas, wellness centers, athletes, and more as they use 100% natural ingredients that work together to deliver pain-reducing results.

Splish Naturals, established in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, uses an isolate or broad-spectrum CBD which does not contain any measurable amount of THC. The products incorporate high-quality ingredients such as therapeutic grade essential oils that are crafted and strategically paired based on how well they function together. They also use terpenes which are naturally occurring organic compounds that exist in all plant life giving plants their smell and defense mechanisms to protect them from drought, heat, insects, freezing, and more. Terpenes have considerable health benefits, according to the National Library of Medicine, including natural anti-inflammatory, pain relief, relaxation, and stress-reducing properties.

Even though CBD is a key ingredient in Splish Naturals’ products, alone it would not have the capabilities of providing the same results. “It’s an important ingredient, but it's just one of the key ingredients that make our products so effective,” Walsh explains. His products use a third-party certified CBD that is tested for its content to remove any impurities if found to ensure the highest-quality, and safest products are produced.

Matt Walsh has more than 17 years of experience in the spa, salon, and wellness industry and worked as a spa director for the Ritz Carlton and Vail Resorts. He founded Splish Naturals back in 2018 and has since worked with athletic ambassadors from NFL players to rock climbers, mountain climbers, skiers, snowboarders, mountain bikers, and more. His products are so successful because they’re safe, they work, and they feature a highly functional design that makes them easy to store.

Splish Naturals

“We work with dental hygienists who are in the same position day in and day out, who use our products to help mitigate the potential of carpal tunnel. We work with first responders who have either been injured or under extreme stress to help ease their aches and pains. So even though our sport line has been primarily focused on athletes, it's a broad line that is used by a wide variety of professionals, individuals, and age groups.”

Splish Naturals is a lead sponsor for the World Rugby Showcase occurring in two weeks and has additionally sponsored pickleball events, were the exclusive wellness/CBD sponsor for the U.S. Open Pickleball Championship tournament this year, the exclusive wellness/CBD sponsor for the Atlantic City Open, sponsored the GoPro summer Mountain Games, and a product sponsor for this year’s Grammy Awards. The PR firm TMG International approached Walsh and his company asking if they’d consider sponsoring a gift bag for artists, celebrities, and recording industry executives. They were one of the 10 products incorporated into the Grammy TMG/MusiCares Luxury Beauty Box.

Before Walsh founded Splish Naturals, he worked on Wall Street for several years, but the devastation of 911 affected Walsh and his wife personally since a large sum of their time was spent working in and around the area where so many lives were lost. “At that moment, my wife and I had a conversation and said hey, what are we going to do with our lives,” Walsh shares. They saw the need for a spa in the town they lived in and decided to take that leap and opened a luxury day spa in Keystone Colorado in 2004.

With his history in trades, Walsh found himself writing a book about the new phenomenon of investing in marijuana stocks as it became legal across multiple states and publicly traded. He wrote a layman’s guide on how to invest in these types of stocks, and during his research, he came across the CBD space. “I decided to pursue this endeavor and develop our own line of CBD products,” Walsh says after he realized there was no real consistency with CBD businesses. His company Splish, a name unrelated to the industry and not in Webster’s dictionary, underwent a thorough 14-month development stage to ensure its product line is safe to be accepted by massage therapists around the country.

The onset of the pandemic changed the business landscape for Walsh’s b2b company, but that didn’t stop him. They continued to develop new product lines, one of them being their Sport Line, to reach a wider audience. The products are specially formulated to mitigate pain and help with your workout recovery to get you back on track, without the use of Western medicine. All products contain no measurable amount of THC but are still highly effective and are 100% plant based.

Matt walsh

At the U.S. Open Pickleball Championship tournament in Naples, Walsh and his company met a woman who was wearing a sling, a compression sleeve, had received a few steroid shots, and was unable to compete. “We applied our Formula Three Sports Balm, and after three applications, she was no longer wearing a sling, nor a compression sleeve,” Walsh beams, and a few days later she began competing again.

“The most enriching part of what we do is what we do for you, what we do for individuals, what we do for athletes, and how we can keep them moving and reduce their aches and pains and do it using 100% plant-based natural products.”

On the horizon is Splish Naturals as the leading company in the wellness sector that incorporates an amazing host of properties. Walsh’s company is positively changing people’s lives by allowing them to focus on the pleasure of life rather than the pain that can at times impede it.

Everyone deserves wellness and reducing and even limiting aches and pains can drastically improve your well-being. To find out more about the amazing health benefits of Splish Naturals, visit their website and try one of their products with their 30% discount code: splish30.