The Essential Skincare Routine Every Man Should Follow
Think of the best men’s skincare regimen like making a sandwich, or a pizza, or following any recipe, really. There is a specific order that you need to follow in order for everything to work together to achieve the shared goal. Of course, your skincare routine won’t satisfy your hunger pangs, but it will nourish and hydrate your skin, which is the shared goal of all the products you use.
There are two that are mandatory and the rest is optional, but extremely beneficial. Here's everything you need to know about the best products to consider.
Cleanser (Mandatory, Daily and Nightly)
First things first: Wash your face. You should not be applying anything to your face if it isn't clean. That’s because there’s a thin layer of sweat, oil, and grime that has built up, and it will prevent the products you use from absorbing and from doing their jobs. Plus, cleansing unclogs the pores, and prevents them from clogging, so add another tally for doing it twice daily: when you wake up and before you hit your pillow. Do it after exercising, or after you get too sweaty or dirty during the day.
Even if you don’t have sensitive skin, it’s wise to use a product that touts itself as gentle, so that you don’t flush your face with abrasive cleansing agents multiple times a day. Otherwise, it’s a recipe for dry, irritated skin. Stick with gentle cleansers that also accommodate sensitive skin, like Aesop Cleansing Milk or
Exfoliant (Twice Weekly)
While a cleanser helps flush away dirt and grime, an exfoliant is an abrasive product that lifts dead skin cells away from the surface of the skin, preventing them from clogging pores. This process then allows the healthy, strong skin cells to put their best face forward. In this way, exfoliating can promote cellular turnover in the skin, helping to heal dark spots and blemishes faster. However, it should not be used on acne or active, healing wounds. Stick to a twice-weekly usage, as anything greater would only aggravate the healthy skin cells and cause redness or irritation. We recommend exfoliating at night so the skin can rebound fully overnight.
Two exfoliants we love are
Toner (Optional, As Needed)
If you have oily skin or if you use all of the products in this regimen, then you may need a natural toner before proceeding. A toner “resets” the skin’s natural pH levels and regulates oil production. These things are otherwise aggravated by excessive product use, or by one’s own genetics. Typically, toners are a simple splash that you can apply with a cotton ball. They absorb and dry quickly. Be certain to avoid anything with alcohol that dries the skin—that will do far more damage than good. You really can’t go wrong with witch hazel, like